People all over the world are blessed when an MMM team arrives. Imagine… the smiles of children when they walk into their new classroom facilities for the first time... the community enjoying a freshly renovated church building. Imagine…the improvement to people’s quality of life where MMM has provided low-cost housing, new child care centres or new school toilet blocks! Imagine… the provision of skills-based training which resources, empowers, encourages and transforms the lives of students, their families and local communities!
As a Christian mission agency, the MMM International Alliance partners with Jesus Christ who builds and transforms people. Through this work, glory is given to the Name of Jesus and when we see God’s glory, the world sees something more of God’s love, kindness, grace, mercy and compassion to all people everywhere.
The National Leader Meetings took place in Chiang Mai in October 2016 and this was a very special time in the life of MMM.
MMM Australia’s latest Team News.
MMM New Zealand’s latest Team News.